C-Suite Series

“To be a good leader you must have 3 characteristics. First, you have to be going somewhere. Second, you have to get people to go with you. Third, you have to be able to step on toes without messing up the shine on the shoes.” 

A. F. Stanford

C-Suite Programs

Leading a business can be stressful, even when you love what you do. Every second and every penny count, and you can’t afford to waste them. Whether you’re growing out of control or just a new C Suite Executive trying to keep your head above water, Stanford can help you regain and maintain control of your business or career. Even when you have talented individuals in C level positions, you can still have a dysfunctional team. Underperforming executive teams result in underperforming companies. Stanford can help you to assess your executive team and take the necessary actions to build a team of leaders focused on the organization’s strategy and operations.


We are here to help you get the right people in the right seat!

Our executive coaching services for the individual or the C Suite help you identify and overcome challenges that threaten the success of the company. Common challenges and questions include:

  • I’m so busy working in my business, I don’t have time to work on my business. How can I do both?
  • Business is booming but profits aren’t. Why is our company losing money?
  • We’re growing slower than expected. How can we maximize our profits?
  • Customers have complained about the quality of our service. Are our processes and procedures producing the results we need? Does our staff have the right skills to support our business?
  • We’re experiencing staffing issues. Are roles assigned correctly? How do we keep our staff motivated and productive?

The Executive

The Executive Program is for the individual who is new to or ready to transition to the C level position.

This coaching program may be for you if:

  • You have desire to be a better leader
  • You want to reach the next level in your career
  • You are about to transition into new levels of responsibility and leadership
  • You need to develop skills for leading teams
  • You want to learn strategy planning
  • You need to develop soft skills

This program typically takes one to three months and includes both virtual and in person coaching.

The Executive Program will help you:

  • Assess your strengths, limitations and weaknesses
  • Structure your goals
  • Create a clear strategy and action plan
  • Develop and lead teams
  • Brand and brag–the good way!
  • Enhance your interviewing skills

How will The Executive Program benefit you? This program will provide:

  • Heightened self-awareness
  • Improved self-regulation
  • Higher levels of empathy
  • Boost in cognition at work
  • Better social skills
  • Increased levels of motivation
  • Improved leadership abilities

The Blueprint

Is it time for a C Suite?

Can you grow with your current organizational structure?

Are the right people in the right seats?

Who’s leading them?

Eventually, you’ll find it difficult to grow your business while overseeing operations and sales and marketing and accounting and fulfillment. When you reach this point, it’s time to think about bringing in other high-level managers to help you reach your goals. This senior team will be able to manage all the critical areas of your business. The success is building the right team and proving them the tools to succeed.

The Blueprint will help you:

  • Redesign your organization
  • Define what C suite or upper management positions best fit your needs
  • Redesign work flow processes
  • Develop and implement policy and procedures for the new work flow
  • Define your Key Performance Indicator
  • Establish proper reporting guidelines
  • Design effective flash reports for managing the performance of the company

How will The Blueprint Program benefit you? This program will provide:

  • An organization focused on growth
  • Right people in the right seats
  • Efficient work flow processes
  • Consistency in Policy and Procedures
  • Process for monitoring performance
  • Flash reports for efficient use of resources and quick decisions
  • Time for your focus to be on the vision and mission of the company

The C Suite

The executive team is tasked with the overall success of the company and is your best asset! Their number one responsibility is for vision and strategy and to work together as a leadership team focused on the success of the company.

  • Do you have successful leaders who are able to make valuable changes in the business?
  • Are your leaders able to implement and lead these change initiatives?
  • Do you leaders communicate effectively and properly manage performance?
  • Can your leaders think strategically and create a sense of direction for your organization?
  • Do you have executive presence?

For an organization to be successful, the executive team must intentionally focus on the strategic direction by putting the needs of the company before the needs of the individual.

The C Suite Program will help you:

  • Successfully plan for growth and productive, efficient staff
  • Maintain an intense focus on achieving goals
  • Creating specific strategies that support the company objectives
  • Creating/Refining your vision for your business
  • Aligning your business plan to your vision
  • Outlining priorities and desired results
  • Identifying short- and long-term goals for business
  • Defining a road-map to success
  • Measuring performance to ensure continual improvement

When your executive team is functioning at its best, the team members will be:

  • Thinking like a strategic team AND functional experts simultaneously.
  • Agreeing on interaction rules and team dynamics that allow both fluid, independent function and consistent collaboration.
  • Balancing competing values and interests.
  • Mobilizing each other and their business units to collaborate and innovate.
  • Cultivating success and engaging the organization at every level.